51 Trillion Microplastics & Counting… WPC is the solution

51 Trillion Microplastics & Counting…

There are as many as 51 trillion microplastic particles in the seas (and counting), 500 times more than stars in our galaxy.” – United Nations

The United Nations reality check observation on part of the contamination of microplastics in the sea water is nothing less than scary. People in general may feel unperturbed or unbothered about the gravity of the microplastic contamination in our ecosystem (through water, air or land). However, it’s going to be one of the biggest issues to be tackled by people and field experts in the near future.

These microplastics are making their way to all living animals as well as humans, through the existing food-chain system that we have. One may wonder what these microplastics are and why one should be concerned about them. The answer to the first part is that microplastics are those fine plastic pieces that are less than 5mm in size and very difficult to detect by the naked eye, most of the time.

However, before answering the second part of the question, sample some of these recently published research findings and reports in various scientific journals as well as in news reports.

These published research reports on microplastics, if anything to do, are alarming the way it is making their way to human beings. If you pay close attention to these reports, you will find that no corner of our valuable life-supporting ecosystem is left untouched by microplastics. Be its presence in human breast milk, river fish, seabed, Antarctic snow, water supply, or in the air we breathe.

However, these studies are from various diverse places, but with time the presence of microplastics is going to multiply in various ways if it’s not contained as early as possible. And if you look at the latest research report — prepared by teams of Autonomous University of Barcelona (AUB) and Aalborg University — published on December 23, 2022, says that the total amount of microplastics deposited on the seafloor has tripled over the last 20 years. The report further adds that the ‘increase corresponds with the type and volume of consumption of plastic products by society over that time’. And this becomes a real cause of concern as the unhindered use of single-use plastics and plastic products in our daily life puts our future generations in danger.

Moreover, an environmental research organization Toxics Link done some extensive research on the said subject and some of the troubling findings are:

  • Lack of general awareness
  • India is the second-largest producer of polyester and viscose in the world
  • Textile Industry contributes 2 per cent to India’s GDP and employs over 45 million
  • 124 to 308 mg/kg of microfibers are released as macrofibre during washing
  • India lack in policy or regulation to check microfibre pollution by the mega textile industry
  • Ganga in Varanasi, Kanpur and Haridwar is polluted with various types of microplastics
  • Highest concentration of single-use & secondary plastic products was found at Varanasi

These are the signs of early warning of the looming global problem of microplastics set to unfold in near future.

However, Wood Polymer/Plastic Composites (commonly referred as WPCs) can be a viable answer to tackle the microplastic issues. However, it may present only a part of the solution to the bigger problems microplastics present.

As the demand for an alternative to wood for industrial and domestic use is increasing with the boost to the housing and infrastructure sectors. The popularity of WPCs is not only gaining ground, what it delivers in terms of features and longevity, but also presenting itself as the best savior to trees, forests as well as the environment and ecosystem.

Moreover, widespread demand for WPCs will need more raw materials and plastics, used in various forms (the leading reason for microplastics), which are one of the key materials, besides wood dust, resin, fiber and binder. Most of the polymers or plastics used in WPC can be recycled up to 3 times, meaning letting go of the requirement equivalent timber or wood. Thereby safeguarding the green cover of the plant and turning plastic waste to productive use for a very long time without inviting issues and problems associated with wood-based products.

Advantage WPCs:

  • 100% eco-friendly
  • True Green solution
  • Fire Resistance, Termite free, Waterproof, Long life, Maintenance free
  • Save equivalent tonnage of wood
  • No waste generation
  • Helps in making land, air and water go plastic free by turning them into WPCs
  • No harmful chemicals are used and the entire process is environment friendly
  • Be a forest cover and planet savior by choosing WPCs
  • At the present rate of WPC production, India is saving over 13,00,000 trees annually
  • Most cost-effective product with maintenance-free long life

And with time use and application become increasingly advantageous as the public and private stakeholders are set to vie for it for the benefits WPCs deliver.

As the saying goes, being with time is what matters the most when going gets tough. Pathframe has not only aligned itself with the WPCs and future market but also just announced another product range of Fire Resistance WPC Door Frames after comprehensive research and development. These frames can withstand fire for up to 90 minutes.

For more from Pathframe repertoire, keep coming to this space. However, you can always find out more about Gujarat-based WPC pioneer by visiting https://pathframe.com/. Here you can have all the detailed information on the range of WPC products and associated services rendered. If looking for more, please write through email, social media, or call the number provided on the website.

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