WPC Pioneer Receives CII-GreenPro Certification

The major thrust at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly referred as the COP27, at Sharm El Sheikh (Egypt) from 6 November to 18 November 2022 was to address the issues and concerns of environmental degradation. And one of the key goals was to strengthen emission pledges made at COP26 in Glasgow.

Looking at the just concluded global summit, one of the major areas to boost was to go for green solutions in order to keep the COP26 pledge going as this will be a way to move forward in order to reduce emissions. Reduce the dependency, to a maximum level, on fossil fuel as much as possible.

However, the fast-paced global growth and development driven by information and communication technology advancements have created a need for more green solutions, which is not only good for human beings but also for the earth we inhabit.

Government as well as industry, concurrently, working on various solutions which are green, i.e., eco- or environment-friendly. Wood-based furniture and manufacturing sector – personal as well as professional – is one of the sectors identified which is causing a lot of irreparable loss to plant by felling trees for wood procurement.

However, Wood Polymer Composites (WPCs) have been developed as the best available option so far, which not only helps in reducing the waste produced (wood powder) as a byproduct of the wood industry but also proves to be one of the key raw materials for the WPC-based solutions (excerpt from an earlier blog)

Taking the cue ahead from the COP27 and aligned with its own vision of developing and delivering a truly green product to the WPC industry, Pathframe within three years of its inception has added up another feather – GreePro certification for its hollow door frames. The CII-GreenPro certifying authority – Confederation of Indian Industries-Green Products and Services Council (commonly referred as CII-GreenPro) has certified the WPC pioneer’s Hollow WPC profiles as the green product, which Pathframe primarily utilizes in manufacturing the Hollow WPC Door Frames.

So far, Pathframe has successfully installed hollow WPC door frames in over 30 housing, commercial and industrial projects. The majority of projects belong to public and private sectors like housing, education, healthcare, commercial as well as industrial.

The WPC pioneer from Gujarat has always been a champion of bringing a people as well as environment-friendly WPC solution, be it making V0 fire rating a default feature in all its product range, or to developing a WPC solution that can withstand fire up to 120 minutes. All these products are well-perceived by common people as well as the industry. And no after-sale service complaints (from any of its over 30 projects) received since its inception further establishes the Pathframe’s credibility in general and its WPC products in particular.

Pathframe always believed in something like:

“For us quality and perfection are not just something we deliver but it is our attitude. We strongly believe that if we run out of quality we run out of business.”

So, determined to mission and vision of ever-improving quality with a self-aligned belief that running out of quality means running out of business. The WPC visionary has not only been notching up the standard of WPC products every now and then but also making the industry take note of the same. And CII-GreePro certification is another such step.

So, are you looking for a WPC-based true green solution? Don’t be in a hurry to answer as yet. However, there is a friendly suggestion, give it a try, even if it’s an outside chance. Check it yourself for some time and interact with people around it. Then see what’s your answer.

And if you wish to have more comprehensive knowledge and information, please feel free to visit us in person or visit our website pathframe.com.

CII-GreenPro Certificate:

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