
WPC Door Frame: The Green Solution

The major thrust at the 27th United Nations Climate Change Conference, commonly referred to as the COP27, at Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt from 6 November until 18 November 2022 was to address the issues and concerns of environmental degradation. And one of the key goals was to strengthen emission pledges made at COP26 in Glasgow.

Looking at the just concluded global summit, one of the major areas to boost was to go for green solutions in order to keep the COP26 pledge going as this will be a way to move forward in order to reduce emissions. Reduce the dependency, to a maximum level, on fossil fuel as much as possible.

However, the fast-paced global growth and development driven by information and communication technology advancements have created a need for more green solutions, which is not only good for human beings but also for the earth we inhabit.

Government as well as industry, concurrently, working on various solutions which are green, i.e., eco- or environment-friendly. Wood-based furniture and manufacturing sector – personal as well as professional – is one of the sectors identified which is causing a lot of irreparable loss to plant by felling trees for wood procurement.

However, Wood Polymer Composites (WPCs) have been developed as the best available option so far, which not only helps in reducing the waste produced (wood powder) as a byproduct of the wood industry but also proves to be one of the key raw materials for the WPC-based solutions.

Mix the wood powers, also referred to as resins, with virgin polymer fibers with the help of additives and you have WPC which packs a solid punch as opposed to wood, it has enhanced strength, is waterproof, termite and worm resistant, very long life, splinter-free and classic finish with 100% customization capabilities. Moreover, it’s cost-effective and easy to install, just like setting a jigsaw puzzle and no waste is created in the process.

Pathframe comes just at a crossroads some three years back with the WPC-based frames and doors solutions, anticipating the need of the hours as the world heading to the future which needs more such green solutions. Even global leaders are not only advocating but also supporting in a big way.

Green Solution Facilitator: The Pathframe may be a new entrant in the market, however, in a short span of time it has secured the government-approved green solutions certification for its WPC hollow frames and pre-hang door solutions. It has successfully delivered more than 30 projects – public to private sectors – in some of the western states of India. With major projects distributed in the state of Gujarat, especially in Ahmedabad and nearby places. What works in favor is the government certified fully-equipped in-house testing lab. Which keeps the company always maintaining the best quality green product out of its production line. Be its place in your lovely home or office space, it always comes as a product that is worth every penny invested for its robust features and long-lasting life.

Environment Friendly: As the products so manufactured primarily use wood dust, power or naturally occurring wood resin (bi-product of wood-based industry) mixed with a virgin polymer, it helps in reducing the dependency on wood for furniture and decorative use in various sectors, and in the process wood dust or powder is also taken care of as it may go on to pollute the environment. Definitely, Pathframe’s WPC hollow frames and door solutions are environmentally friendly as it takes care of nature not only by reducing the wood dust, which otherwise would have gone to damage the environment further, but turning it into a product that is long-lasting and a saviour of the environment. Looking at the global WPC future market, which is likely to go north of $11 billion by 2029, it holds a promising future for further use and application of WPC solutions in areas and sectors which have not been explored yet.

Recycling: One of the key factors that go in favour of the WPC-based solutions is that the majority of these products can be recycled again and again once it reaches its life or if desired to be replaced. The recyclability of these products not only bring down the possibility of waste creation to a very large extent but also take the recycling sector to a new level. Recycling of WPC-based products brings down the overall cost of the product, which is very much in line with what people need as the pricing of things springs up as we move ahead with time. Moreover, WPC products aptly fit into the global leaders’ vision of evolving products and services which are sustainable in nature. Besides, it equally fits the bills of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, which advocates the recycling of resources as much as possible.

Waste to Best: The look of the finished WPC products is so surreal and attractive that at times people get amazed to realize that it’s actually a product that is made of waste materials (a byproduct of the wooden sector) mixed with a virgin polymer. However, it’s true. Every WPC product is made up of waste, otherwise, it may go on to pollute nature, with additives. These products are customization friendly as per one’s exact needs and requirements. As these products are extruded out of cutting-edge technology-enabled state-of-the-art machines, the quality, composition and final looks can be controlled to the minutest possible level. All these simply mean, you always get a product which is just the way you like. In other words, it can be said that you always get the best out of the waste.

Long Lasting: As per the industry leaders and experts, the self-life of the WPC products is often quoted between 20-25 years. However, the actual life of these products goes beyond the often-quoted range. Simply because these products are free of all the issues and problems the wooden alternative has. As opposed to wooden products, which are prone to various factors like heat, moisture, aging, fire, termite and insects, etc., the WPC products are practically free of all these issues which make them suitable for longer than often-quoted life spans. Moreover, it does not require any kind of post-installation services, which are like an annual or biannual issue with the wooden products. However, its long life may go against itself at times as one may get bored of looking at the same products for a very long time and may wish to replace them. And it can be easily replaced at any time or can be sent for recycling as well, as and when needed.

Looking at the aspects explained features threadbare and issues dissected in various segments above, it can be summed up that WPC-based products are truly green solutions and it is going to be the right alternative to the wood-based sector. It shall be too early to say anything substantial as of now. However, it will factor in a big time in providing the green solution to the world in scores of sectors primarily driven by wood-based products.

 So, are you looking for a WPC-based green solution? Don’t be in a hurry to answer as yet. However, there is a friendly suggestion, give it a try, even if it’s an outside chance. Check it yourself for some time and interact with people around it. Then see what’s your answer.

And if you wish to have more comprehensive knowledge and information, please feel free to visit us in person or visit our website

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